G I'm the son of a small town D where everybody drinks beer when the sun goes down Em amazing grace still has a place C and the lost can still get found G those trucks are still runnin around
D there's a good Lord up above where I'm from Em C and there's boots on the ground G blood sweat and tears aren't a song D workin's just part of livin where I come from Em barefoot backwoods blue collar C I'm shinin my shotgun and I'm just waiting on farewell G I'm the son of a small town D where everybody drinks beer when the sun goes down Em amazing grace still has a place C and the lost can still get found G those trucks are still runnin around D there's a good Lord up above where I'm from Em C and there's boots on the ground G there's love in this land D dirt on this hands Em pride in this family man C plant breaks the ground
G and the seeds are put down D and a prayer goes up for rain Em and I worked the ridge like my daddy did C and put some roots in this here roads and if the leather holds I'll put some more miles on this soles G I'm the son of a small town D where everybody drinks beer when the sun goes down Em amazing grace still has a place C and the lost can still get found G those trucks are still runnin around D there's a good Lord up above where I'm from Em C and there's boots on the ground